According to Adler, disability can trigger inferiority complex. Inferiority complex can be seen with desperacy, strength, inability and learned helplessness. At this point, physical disability infects to the brain too. Disabled’s surroundings also keep blocking the disabled. Disability is no longer physical, but a mental barrier too. Therefore, our purpose is to develop a programme that brakes the chains starting with learned helplessness. To guide disabled people in order to help them overcome obstacles together and return to normal life. To teach them that work is not all about income. To make them work despite the disability pension. To convince them that working is not only income, but also it contributes positively to the life. To prove that the only way to leave the quiet life is to do something for a particular purpose. To remind that man is the artist and that the main thing that distinguishes man from other living beings is the art of mind and that the world is a jewel.

To overcome the obstacles, first in mind and then in the body, and to gain motivation in order to help with the interpretation of existence of a human who is the artist, and can create an art with the tool called “mind”.

In such stories as “Jumping Fleas”, “Education of Elephants”, “Shark That Cannot Eat Small Fish”, “Eaglet”, “The Monkey Experiment” it is shown that majority of the obstacles are in mind. Disabled such as Hellen Keller, Mark Inglis and Tolga Murat Balıkçı are just one of the millions of examples that prove how successful disabled people can be if the obstacles in the mind are overcome.

In order to this, various psychological events (Psychological support with individual and group, education seminar, sharing meetings etc.) for disabled and their relatives can be arranged.
