For women who for some reason asked for shelter in municipality, along with meeting the needs of protection, sheltering and food supply, one of the most essential element is psychological support. The emotional blanks that appear after multiple difficulties and traumas and now destroy their souls should be treated well with scientific techniques. In this sense, psychological support studies can be

arranged mainly for women in the women sheltering centers, for the personnel of this centers, guests and relatives of those women.

In order to help women who have been forced to apply to the shelter center, to be psychologically strengthened and to be able to resist such situations in future, it is possible to organize various psychological trainings, such as psychological support and help sessions.

Families and married couples can also be given educational programmes and psychological trainings in order to reduce the likelihood of experiencing various critical situations that worsen family life. Thus, women together with their spouses can earn their way of living in peace, living the peace, making family happy.

Before the processes come to the point of asking for a shelter, women can get supported of the family counselor and choose some problems before they got bigger.
